I think the other Rooster will have to move there as well in the morning. They are so handy at keeping the Tick population down, it is too bad.
Some other Fowl news... We are getting even MORE Chickens! I am told another 100 plus 1 doz. Ducks. That is to add to our 100+ we already have. There will be some more Buffs, Black Sex Links and Barred Rocks. The dozen Ducks are White Pekins and Rouens. Looks like I will have a lot of pictures to take soon.
I have not been told yet but I have a STRONG feeling that I will be helping with the expansion of the Chicken Yard...just a guess. The yard is a lot bigger than in these pics. It goes down the hill to the left. I will try to get that in next time.
We had our first Goat Sale at our Farm this past week. We sold a Pygmy Doe Cocoa to a Nearby Alpaca Breeder (Coldwater Alpaca Ranch). It was exciting and kinda sad too. She was our first and of course it didn't help that we bottle fed her. It is good to know that She is at a good home and that the new owners are happy as well.
In the meantime we are currently breeding two of our Pygmys, Oreo and Bully. I PROMISE you it is no small feat to catch that Billy! It took three of us to get him in there.
It started out with just the two of us but once we had him we quickly realized that we needed help to pick him up and move him. YUP, We knelt there and stared at each other (Billy included) wondering what are we all going to do now... Vance had to hold down the front legs and shuffle his butt close enough so I could get the phone off of his belt. I desperately called our neighbour (while holding down the back legs) during that last full day of Football before the Superbowl (not sporty, am I?). It was hard for him to leave and we apologized A LOT! but we moved that Billy and I will take names now for volunteers to help us move him back in a couple of weeks.
Cocoa has a lovely coat colour, as does the Billy goat - and such nice horns! The story of his capture and moving made me laugh! Sounds like something we'd do here!
Hmm, as much as I would LOVE to volunteer to help wrangle billy goats, I am just too far away...shucky darn! : ).
Awwww you know you WANT too!
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