Yesterday we moved around a lot of Animals and cleaned Pens. We are worried because our Donkey Alluicious loves to play and run the animals at times, well this would just not work well with our Pregnant Ewes. So, we swapped the Pyrenesse with the Donkey and already we are VERY happy with our decision. Once we cleaned out our smaller pen close to the Barn we wrestled the Girls (Fab.4 they are called) and trimmed their hoofs and moved them all into the main pen with the Shetlands and Dogs.

MeriAllen is one of Our Pygoras, She is a VERY quiet Goat...and sneaky. She is our inspiration in wanting to breed her with an Angora Goat.

We have chosen a Red Angora that we have named Chili, it will be a while before these two hook up but with the Red in both of them it should be interesting to see what happens.
Now, in the pasture where we moved the Fab.4 we have a small issue that is a spur in our side...well, HE doesn't think he is so small. He was moved in there almost a year ago and feels a need to drive his point home every time you are in there. I carry a "Rooster Stick" every time I go in there and one time I thought I hit him good...but no, he survived.

Today I think he might have calmed down. When I woke up this morning I saw him running for his life with those two dogs behind him. We could not find him for hours so we just assumed he didn't make it...but no, He showed up later that afternoon. I swear if you look closely at him you can see that he is crazy!
Another thing that has been getting our attention is how long the Fiber is on two of our Ewes. Almond Joy and Baby Ruth are the two (out of three) Sheep that we started our Farm with. These two Sisters are Icelandic/Shetland and Lincoln Crosses. We bought them at Three Creeks Farm where Beth and Steve have been nothing but a great support network and wonderful friends! We are going to have to start shearing these two balls of wool twice a year now...

This is Baby Ruth. She likes long walks in the Pasture, a Hearty Meal and will be your best friend if you carry corn in your Pocket.
I am just amazed at how much Wool they have in just less than a year!

Here is Almond Joy, I think she will be loosing her legs soon and we will just see a wall of wool moving around the Pasture. We will be building a stand for Shearing and hopefully we will have many curious volunteers over too.