Here we go!! Leise has had her first lambs. They hit the ground last night around 8:30pm just before the weather turned really bad. How exciting and about 10% relieved we are (I figure 5% per lamb...and there is a good possibility two will have triplets...the rest go to the Ewes). If you don't like my math you can make an appointment with our Ass in the back! He can count REALLY well...Counts on us for food, Counts on us for attention...

We have not thought of any names yet but are playing around with a few. I have mostly watched from a distance because when I come into the pasture EVERYONE comes to greet me, I love it but it makes it hard to approach a protective new mother. I went into the pen to take the pictures and our two Guard Dogs and Patience tried to worm in there with me and the rest were at the gate waiting their turn.
Vance is smitten with the lambs. I love watching him interact with them and the Ewes. He makes a great second Mom...Baa. In fact, he is in there right now! We think that Baby Ruth will be the next one to deliver.

By the way, they are both Girls! Another update...We lost the Black Lamb on the 11th it is too bad.